The research part of the project is focused on the analysis of wolf ecology and the assessment of their role in the region using three methods:
1. Wolf telemetry - with the help of satellite collar data, it is possible to estimate the size of the home districts, the time frames of their activities, habitat preferences or seasonal changes
2. Molecular analyses - allows identification of kinship and origin of the studied wolves and estimation of population numbers
3. Food analyses - reveals information on the prey composition, the proportion of livestock in prey, seasonal changes in the prey range, or the recording of new species of prey
4. Prey Telemetry - allows to evaluate ecological links between wolves and prey, such as prey response to predator occurrence in the area or estimate of its density
Selected outcomes of research:
Map of wolves distribution in the Czech Republic in the season 2018-2019
Map of wolves distribution in the Czech Republic in the season 2017-2018