Team of the OWADIS project
Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague - the lead partner
Aleš Vorel
project principal investigator, research manager
Ales has been involved in mammalian ecology since his youth, but most of his professional life has focused on the ecology and conservation issues of the European beaver in Central Europe. In recent years, his footage has been expanded by a similar ecological and conservationist theme - the return of the wolf.
Pavla Jůnková Vymyslická
project manager
Pavla, from her master studies, focuses on ethology, ecology, and monitoring of large ungulates. She has extensive experience with work in the non-profit sector, diplomatic negotiations and project management.
Jan Horníček
field assistant
A doctoral student of ecology, who is primarily involved in field monitoring. He also participates in special dog training to increase the effectiveness of tracing genetic samples of the wolf.
Michaela Kopřivová Stejskalová
financial manager
Michaela is part of the project team of the Faculty of Environment of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. She has extensive experience in financial management of projects and is continuously expanding her knowledge through seminars and trainings.
Jana Vorlová Kortanová
Jana initially devoted herself to the issue of environmental impact assessment, then began to address the toxicological issues of the European beaver. Currently, on parental leave, she works as an assistant on the project.
Museum of Natural History Görlitz
Paul Lippitsch
project manager
Ecologist, research assistant at the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz
Paul has been studying the dietary habits of large carnivores (Wolf, Lynx) since his Master's studies and is involved with the population ecology and population genetics of mammals. He is a doctoral student and is doing his PhD on "Feeding ecology of lynx and wolf - predator-prey relationships of two carnivores in an anthropogenic landscape".
Lukáš Žák
wolves monitoring manager
Lukáš fell into the wolfs during the studies at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences of the University of J.E. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem, where he defended his diploma thesis on the occurrence of the wolf in the Šluknov region. Lukáš is an employee of the partner institution of the project, Museum Görlitz, but he monitors the wolves and collects information about their occurrence from 2014 on both sides of the border.
Charles University
Pavel Hulva
genetic analysis coordinator
Pavel studied molecular biology (Mgr.) And zoology (Ph.D.) at the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague. At the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University and the Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of Ostrava, he deals mainly with evolutionary genetics, biogeography and mammal conservation.
Associated project partners:
Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic
Lupus Institute
Team of the OWAD project
Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague - the lead partner
Aleš Vorel
project principal investigator, research manager
Ales has been involved in mammalian ecology since his youth, but most of his professional life has focused on the ecology and conservation issues of the European beaver in Central Europe. In recent years, his footage has been expanded by a similar ecological and conservationist theme - the return of the wolf.
Pavla Jůnková Vymyslická
project manager
Pavla, from her master studies, focuses on ethology, ecology, and monitoring of large ungulates. She has extensive experience with work in the non-profit sector, diplomatic negotiations and project management.
Tomáš Jůnek
project PR manager
Zoologist, monitoring specialist, photographer and documentarist. Tomáš has been involved in the protection of endangered animal species, especially in tropical and temperate ecosystems.
Lada Jakubíková
field assistant
Lada devotes her time to conservation biology, focusing on the population ecology of endangered species of day-old butterflies. However, her scientific activity has long been overlapping with other areas of ecology - from the research of traditional methods of farming to Central European fauna and flora to the monitoring of different groups of vertebrates.
Jan Horníček
field assistant
A doctoral student of ecology, who is primarily involved in field monitoring. He also participates in special dog training to increase the effectiveness of tracing genetic samples of the wolf.
Michaela Kopřivová Stejskalová
financial manager
Michaela is part of the project team of the Faculty of Environment of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. She has extensive experience in financial management of projects and is continuously expanding her knowledge through seminars and trainings.
Jana Vorlová Kortanová
financial manager assistant
Jana initially devoted herself to the issue of environmental impact assessment, then began to address the toxicological issues of the European beaver. Currently, on parental leave, she works as an assistant on the project.
Museum of Natural History Görlitz
Hermann Ansorge
Biologist, Head of the Department of Zoology at the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz.
Hermann´s research is on population ecology, population genetics and feeding ecology of mammals. He is teaching at the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz and at the TU Dresden. Summer schools and research expeditions regularly lead him to Mongolia.
Paul Lippitsch
Ecologist, research assistant at the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz
Paul has been studying the dietary habits of large carnivores (Wolf, Lynx) since his Master's studies and is involved with the population ecology and population genetics of mammals. He is a doctoral student and is doing his PhD on "Feeding ecology of lynx and wolf - predator-prey relationships of two carnivores in an anthropogenic landscape".
Lukáš Žák
wolves monitoring manager
Lukáš fell into the wolfs during the studies at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences of the University of J.E. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem, where he defended his diploma thesis on the occurrence of the wolf in the Šluknov region. Lukáš is an employee of the partner institution of the project, Museum Görlitz, but he monitors the wolves and collects information about their occurrence from 2014 on both sides of the border.
Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic
Simona Poláková
project manager
Simona is responsible for the activities of the Czech Ministry of the Environment, in particular for the creation of the Czech Wolf Management Plan.
Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic
Marta Vojtková
project manager
At the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic, Marta has taken part in the preparation and implementation of projects from national and European grant programs for a long time, a large part of which concerned species protection. Within the OWAD project she is responsible for project management.
Barbora Černá
project guarantor
Barbora began to deal with wolves a few years ago as a volunteer of the Wolf Patrols. Within the OWAD projec, she is part of the project team of NCA CR as a guarantor. Currently, she also works as a field worker and coordinator of Wolf patrols in the Bezděz and Ralsko area.
Tomáš Krajča
field assistant
Tomáš has been dealing with the issue of wolves research and protection since 2005, not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Slovakia and Poland. Besides NCA CR, where he is a project field worker, he also devotes himself to the wolves in the framework of a doctorate at the Palacký University, by conducting Wolf patrols and activities of ČSOP Cieszynianka.
Linda Zachystalová
PR manager
Linda, with her social studies (graduated from the Social and Cultural Ecology at the Charles University), balances a number of natural scientists. She is particularly interested in the social assumptions of environmental problems. Within the OWAD project, she ensures the communication with the public.