Data on six types of wolf signs can be entered in the application:
A new entry can be added by clicking the "+" in the blue circle at the bottom right of the application's home page.
Each type of record has its own items that the user fills in. There are basic items that are partially filled in automatically and are uniform for all record types, mandatory items and optional items. Without filling in the mandatory items, the record can be saved for later addition or changes, but the record cannot be sent to the database where data is collected from all users. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). The more accurate the information and the more items the user fills in, the better the record can be classified.
Among the basic automatically filled items of the application are the date and time the record was made, the date the record was finished, GPS coordinates and their deviation. Apart from the date of finishing the record, all these items can be edited, GPS coordinates can be entered manually. The record finishing date is filled in automatically when the record is sent to the database.
The basic items filled in by the user are: state, region, nearest settlement, pack, locality, terrain, name of the external finder (in case someone gave you the information about the finding, most often records from camera traps) and SCALP. Items can be filled in by selecting from the menu or by writing information with a specified character limit.
After filling in the basic items, the user fills in other items related to a specific type of recors on other sheets (shown in the upper blue part of the screen).

SCALP (Status and Conservation of the Alphine Lynx Population) is a methodology used to monitor large carnivores in Germany (see Monitoring of Large Carnivores in Germany), which we follow on the basis of cross-border cooperation. For all residence traces collected, there are precisely defined conditions for inclusion in the relevant category according to SCALP, therefore this item, as well as the name of the pack, is filled in only by experienced field workers, or is retroactively determined by administrators.
Each user has only his own records of wolf signs saved on his device. After finalizing the record, send the data to the database by pressing the send button in the upper right corner of the application (arrow pointing up). Data from all users are managed by the administrators of CZU in Prague ( and the Lupus Institute ( Depending on where the record was entered, the data go to the national databases (DBBW in Saxony or NDOP in the Czech Republic).
The application is available on mobile phones, tablets and in a web browser ( Data can be entered in both online and offline mode.